The Beagle

The Beagle Bungalow is a sanctuary for elderly beagles that have lost their families and are in need of a place to call home due to medical issues or age. The Bungalow is dedicated to Charlie Roberts and all first beagles.

It is also a temporary boarding facility where adoptable hounds wait for a Houston Beagle and Hound Rescue foster home with the ultimate goal of adoption into their forever home.

Welcome to the best place on earth for beagles!

Opening in 2022, the Beagle Bungalow is a product of the love for the breed by real people who have worked in beagle rescue for decades!

The dogs have their own indoor space with dog door access, acreage to run on and a reliable group of live-in helpers and volunteers to make sure all of their needs are met.

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There are many ways to help support The Beagle Bungalow!

The Beagle Bungalow will apply all donations to the program where it determines the funds are most needed, in its sole discretion.

What's New

Beagle Bungalow Blog

The Highs and Lows of 2024

It is a toss-up of what was the lowest point in this past year. A 3-month recovery from surgery this summer after being ill in the spring is not the fun memory but having to replace the septic system for the bungalow and apartment was worse! Having to say good-bye...Read More

Beagle Bungalow Buzz